Getting help for any small jobs around the house can be quite frustrating and led to this idea which is born out of necessity


My name is Adia and I am a working mother of 2 active boys. I have always struggled with getting help for house chores like cooking, washing clothes, gardening, baby sitters and the list goes on and on. While you can find professional help for some jobs but it is quite expensive and also you are at the mercy of their schedule not when you need help. Also I have so many skills that I thought I can help other folks with but there was no platform where I could offer my skills. Thats when I thought about Neighbstor, a neighborhood app where you can offer help and get help from the trusted community of your neighbors. When you get professional help from elsewhere or getting referrals for handyman services you don’t know who is coming into your house and then comes the fear of unknown.

You can be a Member and a Service provider on the app at the same time so that we all can help each other and make money at the same time.

Neighbstor is what we all have been waiting for.